Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo. Tanka Society of America.
My Tanka publicized in Tanka Society of America.
Tanka Sequences
spring wind
that day I escaped
from suicide
of the violence
can survive
under water...
uncountable tough bubbles
don't try
to find me
I will be
somewhere in your memory
are ready for
our future
sakura avenue
on our planet
Tanka Cafe Theme: Spring Love.
how many
springs since
my love
passed away
cherry blossom rain
Move to "Tanka Society of America"
TSA Ribbons Winter 2021 printed my new works, a sequence entitled "A Bird's-Eye View", and a piece each in its selected Tanka and Tanka Cafe.
Given that the TSA has a large membership, it is generally not so easy to be chosen one, even if I submit several.
Honestly, I was very surprised that Ms. Christine L. Villa, the editor, was kind enough to select the full sequence of mine and another piece for Selected Tanka. I am so grateful for it.
I also want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Michael Mclintoc, editor-in-chief of Tanka Cafe.
Tanka Cafe: Theme Escape
from the pocket
of God
where can I go ...
hopeless ark
Selected Tanka
my birth
after my death
I will be there
banyan shade
A Bird's-Eye View
Mt. Hakuba
it needs
no name . . .
density of sunlight
snowy folds
a bird's-eye view
relaxing in the blue
I'm also
a tiny fluff
this moment
and disappears
snowflakes have
their own endings
Hakuba village,
I will return again —
rose potato butter
and skies without clouds
Move to "Tanka Society of America"
I am happy to be able to participate in the Anthology of Tanka Society of America to celebrate its 20th anniversary.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Michael Dylan Welch, the editor of the anthology.
I sincerely hope TSA, which has the members around the world, continuously contributes to the advancement of Tanka.
My Tanka included in this anthology:
sky blue
ocean blue
midnight blue ---
we will miss you
mother planet
Move to "Tanka Society of America"
Click below to purchase in Amazon:
Check this out: Dance into the World: Tanka Society of America Twentieth Anniversary Anthology
Tanka Cafe, Theme:History
deep pulse
of Canine fern
was there the rainy season
in the Paleozoic Era?
Responsive Tanka
First Zoom
Mariko Kitakubo, Tokyo Japan
Kath Abela Wilson, Pasadena CA
in my entryway garden
a first rose,
'' butterfly '' ...
dew on the net
rainbow mallard silence
on the hanging scroll
your voice
offers a taste
of strawberries
in early summer
on my terrace
we kampai over
the international dateline
looking through
my crystal glass
your smile on screen
across the table
3000 miles
how many
seagulls or dolphins
hear our tanka
zooming by ...
underwater echoes
a gallery nest
full of wings
the sounds of poems
cracking open
Responsive Tanka
Kath Abela Wilson, Pasadena, CA
Mariko Kitakubo, Tokyo, Japan
ten thousand miles
I try to hold
the world
in my trembling hands
too big too small
blue tears
of our mother planet
so far away
how many centuries
since we disappeared
was a world
that had water
a little girl looks up
to another sky
did we come from
where will we go
stars bloom
in innocent eyes
when wave
touches sand
we are all born
castles are built
and vanish
and small footprints
on the sandbank . . .
are they fossils?
a splash of time
Tanka Cafe - Theme, Time
crying door
everyone comes
into the bar
with their own sorrow ...
happy hour
Selected Tanka
a wind song
in the sky
above the Roman ruins ---
am I the trembling rose
pale pale purple?
Winter 2020: Volume 16, Number 1
Tanka Cafe - Theme, Time
clear green
was born ---
time of the forest
source of Hime River
Selected tanka
the sounds of the spring ---
is there a small boat
for the last trip
of my life
Fall 2019: Volume 15, Number 3