Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo.

Mariko Kitakubo Profile

Mariko Kitakubo

Born in Tokyo.
Living in Mitaka-city, Tokyo
Japan Writers' Association,
Japan PEN Club,
Association of Contemporary Tanka Poets,
Japan Tanka Poets' Society,
Tan-Ku Co-Founder,
Tanka Society of America.

In commemoration of
15 years of tanka reading
The Latest Tanka Sequence
Original Tanka presented at
Spoken World Live

Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo. Article details.

Tanka Society of America 20th Anniversary Anthology

I am happy to be able to participate in the Anthology of Tanka Society of America to celebrate its 20th anniversary.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Michael Dylan Welch, the editor of the anthology.

I sincerely hope TSA, which has the members around the world, continuously contributes to the advancement of Tanka.





My Tanka included in this anthology:

sky blue
ocean blue
midnight blue ---
we will miss you
mother planet

Move to "Tanka Society of America" 

Click below to purchase in Amazon:
Check this out: Dance into the World: Tanka Society of America Twentieth Anniversary Anthology