Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo.

Mariko Kitakubo Profile

Mariko Kitakubo

Born in Tokyo.
Living in Mitaka-city, Tokyo
Japan Writers' Association,
Japan PEN Club,
Association of Contemporary Tanka Poets,
Japan Tanka Poets' Society,
Tan-Ku Co-Founder,
Tanka Society of America.

In commemoration of
15 years of tanka reading
The Latest Tanka Sequence
Original Tanka presented at
Spoken World Live

Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo. Article details.

2009年4月11日 HPNC(Haiku Poets Northern California)ジャズフェスティ バルイベント

performance_2009_04_01.jpg April 11, 2009 at HPNC jazz event. I performed tanka reading with Ms. Linda Galloway. Mr. Karl Young, third left, played Shakuhachi accompaniment.
performance_2009_04_02.jpg It was a wonderful experience for me to stand on the same stage with such wonderful performers before the audience more than a hundred! Shakuhachi, Koto, and dance were all marvellous.
and dance were all marvellous. Ms. Renee Owen, assistant to Ms. Jane Reichhold, the host of the event, asked me when I can revisit the US. I hope the opportunity turns up soon!