Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo. Article details.
2009年3月 オーストラリア
March 14, 2009 at Ms. Julie Thorndyke's book launch party in Sydney. I performed tanka reading as well as "Hamohn", a Japanese musical instrument. Audience reaction was very positive, and I was very glad as a performer. | |
March 13, 2009 at Gosford/Edogawa Commemorative Gardens in Sydney. articipated in a pre-event of "Wind Over Water", an international event scheduled to be held in September, 2009. I performed reading together with Ms. Bevereley George, playing the sound of "Hamohn" as the background music. | |
March 10, 2009 at God's Cafe in Australia National University in Camberra. I performed tanka reading with Ms. Amelia Fielden. Mr. Rupert Summerson played wonderful sound of "Shakuhachi", a Japanese bamboo flute, while our performance. Having received many questions after our performance, I was deeply moved by the depth of recognition that the audience had in poetry. |
March 4, 2009 at Asia Bookroom in Camberra. Performed tanka reading with Ms. Amelia Fielden in a bookstore specialized in Asian books. It was a great pleasure for me to perform tanka reading in Japanese language before the audience who are interested in Asian culture. |