Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo.

Mariko Kitakubo Profile

Mariko Kitakubo

Born in Tokyo.
Living in Mitaka-city, Tokyo
Japan Writers' Association,
Japan PEN Club,
Association of Contemporary Tanka Poets,
Japan Tanka Poets' Society,
Tan-Ku Co-Founder,
Tanka Society of America.

In commemoration of
15 years of tanka reading
The Latest Tanka Sequence
Original Tanka presented at
Spoken World Live

Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo. Article details.

Oct. 11, 2009 The 6th International Tanka Festival hosted by Nihon Kajin Club

performance_2009_10_11_01.jpg Oct. 11th, 2009 The 6th International Tanka Festival at Meiji Jingu Shrine. Ms. Sachiko Nagata, the Hamohn perrformer, who has just returned from the concert in Paris, added a wonderful sound accompaniment to the bilingual Tanka reading performed by Ms. A. Fielden and I.
Mr. Shiro Akiba, the chairman of the Japan Tanka Poets' Society, seemed to be highly interested in our collaboration.
performance_2009_10_11_02.jpg With Ms. Aya Yuki, the Chief Editor of Tanka Journal, who act as mistress of ceremonies of the festival.
performance_2009_10_11_03.jpg With newarly 200 participants, the festival proceeded in friendly atmosphere.