Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo. Article details.
Tan-Ku, has been published and translated in Bulgarian Gendi Haiku.
The last report of 2024 is that our (Deborah &Mariko)prayer for peace, Tan-Ku, has been published and translated in Bulgarian Gendi Haiku. It was a fitting end to the year, both publicly and privately. Dear Publisher: Gabriela Zaneva and Compiler: Dimitar Anakiev, Thank you so much.
speting snow
or petals of sahuru
falling falling
like ashes
in Ukraine (Mariko)
trains geing west
a child's stuffed bear
stares out the window (Deborah)
whose uniform...
a sunflower sprout
comes out
of the camouflage
pocket (Mariko)
the caws of crows
footage of survivors
underground (Deborah)
searching for
better days...
repeated invasions
in our layered
past (Mariko)
petal storm
is there a chance
for peace (Deborah)