Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo. Article details.
Tanka Society of America Ribbons Fall/Winter issue & 2023 Anthology
My works were appeared in the Fall/Winter issue of Ribbons, the magazine of the Tanka Society of America, in Selected Tanka and Tanka Hangout.
Thank you very much for giving me your valuable magazine.
Selected Tanka
losing my voice
for two weeks
quiet home
quiet roses
purring old cat
Mariko Kitakubo, Tokyo, Japan
Tanka Hangout: Poems about Poetry
today's tanka is...
grandma said
summer skies
on her birthday4
Mariko Kitakubo, Tokyo, Japan
Thank you so much TSA, for using my work for the 2023 Anthology.
of the oak barrels...
sharing wine
without a pandemic
Mariko Kitakubo/Tokyo, Japan