Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo.

Mariko Kitakubo Profile

Mariko Kitakubo

Born in Tokyo.
Living in Mitaka-city, Tokyo
Japan Writers' Association,
Japan PEN Club,
Association of Contemporary Tanka Poets,
Japan Tanka Poets' Society,
Tan-Ku Co-Founder,
Tanka Society of America.

In commemoration of
15 years of tanka reading
The Latest Tanka Sequence
Original Tanka presented at
Spoken World Live

Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo. Article details.

I will perform reading at Oct. 8th HVHA reading event

I am excited to share that NVHA has invited me to be a featured poet at their upcoming reading event in Camden on October 8th.

It has been five years since my last reading performance, which was for the Spring 2018 rebuild event.

I am truly grateful for this opportunity to introduce Tan-Ku, a book I co-authored with Ms. Deborah P. Kolodji.

*NVHA: Nick Virgilio Haiku Association

The event will be live-streamed from Instagram at @nickvirgiliowritershouse.


