Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo. Article details.
June 4, Thursday Zoom Poetry Meeting
I participated in Thursday Poetry Zoom Meeting presided at by Ms. Kathabela Wilson. It was my 6th attendance. |
Every time, I get inspired by the fellow members. This is exactly why I can attend the meeting with a great joy every time, regardless the fact that it starts early in the morning, 5 a.m., Friday. |
Although we are living restricted and unrest days due to Corona virus, I am very glad to have opportunities to be able to refine my creative works in English. In this meeting, I performed reading of my new Tanka sequence under the theme of “Tokyo Alert.” Personally, I am blessed with opportunities to polish up my translation skills because I translate my Tanka, which are originally written in English, back into Japanese. To Ms. Kathabela Wilson, Mr. Rick Wilson, and fellow members. I really thank all of you. |