Contemprary Tanka Poet Mariko Kitakubo. Article details.
Take Five The Best Contemporary Tanka 2008 Edited by M. Kei
as if I am
repairing my feelings
a bit at a time
I paint my nails
slowly and carefully
in the deep silence
of scorching midday heat,
my mother's spine
our wartime defeat
on a far-off sandhill
you shade your eyes--
I want to be
that small object
in your gaze
I have no way
of being really sure
about things,
yet my nails are growing
so confidently<
maybe it's better
not to know the depth
of her wounds--
tranquilly I asked
"how many sugar lumps"
how small
I really am
here between
a potato field
and the wide sky
like clouds
vanishing from a puddle
that morning
my father
silently disappeared